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Autumn Landscape in Gouache Workshop

Autumn Landscape in Gouache

Join award-winning artist, Takeyce Walter for an enriching online mini workshop with the Lake Placid Center for the Arts where we delve into capturing the vibrant colors of the autumn landscape using gouache.

Autumn Landscape in Gouache

Over the course of our 2-hour session, Takeyce will guide you through her painting technique, illuminating how to craft captivating, light-infused gouache artworks.

Lessons will center around essential topics such as composition, design fundamentals, color theory, and harmony. Additionally, we'll explore the nuances of aerial and atmospheric perspective, examining how they influence various elements within the spring landscape. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned artist, this workshop promises to deepen your understanding and proficiency in gouache painting.

September 29

The Adirondack Landscape

February 27

Winter Landscape in Gouache Workshop